Detailed Assault Data
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Caution against comparisons with data from other organizations
The FBI’s LEOKA Program is one of a number of entities that report information concerning line-of-duty deaths and/or assaults of law enforcement officers in the United States. Each organization has its own purpose and may use different methods to collect and report information or focus on somewhat different aspects of these important topics. Therefore, care should be taken not to compare LEOKA data to data provided by other entities, such as the Officer Down Memorial Page, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, and others. More information about the LEOKA Program’s mission and history is included on this page. Refer to the Criteria page for the requirements that determine which officers are included in this report.
Additional Data Collections
Frequently Asked Questions
About the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program
A history of the UCR Program and an overview of what UCR can provide
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