Download Files
Below is a file that was compressed using WinZip software and contains the Excel spreadsheets for Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Tables 1-79. These tables, which were released in Spring 2019, include data about law enforcement officers who were feloniously killed, accidentally killed, and federal law enforcement officers who were killed and assaulted.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Tables (490 KB)
The tables containing 2018 data about law enforcement officers who were assaulted in the line of duty and law enforcement officers who were assaulted and injured with firearms or knives/other cutting instruments will be released in Fall 2019. At that time, this Download Files page will be updated to include the compressed Excel spreadsheets file for Tables 80-133.
Below is a file that was compressed using WinZip software and contains Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files of Figures 1-6 and the maps from this publication.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Figures (374 KB)
Below is a file that was compressed using WinZip software and contains the PDF files of the overviews and other narrative portions provided in this publication.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Overviews (6.2 MB)
If you have questions about these data
For questions about this information or for Web assistance, contact the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division at