Topic Guide
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted
Subject Matter by Table Number, 2018
Publication section | Subject matter | Table number(s) |
Law Enforcement Officers Feloniously Killed Spring release |
Location and time of incidents | 1, 5-9 |
Population group and agency type | 2 | |
Lighting and environmental conditions | 3-4 | |
Profile of victim officers | 10-17 | |
Use of weapon by victim officer, assisting officers, and offenders | 18 | |
Victim officer killed with own weapon, disarmed of own weapon, and weapon stolen by offender | 19-20 | |
Circumstance/assignment | 21-27, 30 | |
Weapon information | 28-29, 31-33, 37, 39 | |
Victim officer's use of uniform, body armor, or holster | 34-35 | |
Officer's wounds and use of body armor | 36, 38 | |
Profile of known offenders | 40-44 | |
Status of known offenders | 45 | |
Judicial history of known offenders | 46 | |
Disposition of known offenders | 47 | |
Law Enforcement Officers Accidentally Killed Spring release |
Location and time of incidents | 48, 50-54 |
Population group and agency type | 49 | |
Profile of victim officers | 55-62 | |
Circumstance/assignment | 63-67, 70 | |
Lighting and environmental conditions | 68-69 | |
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Spring release |
Victim and known offender information | 71 |
Number of federal officers killed or injured | 72 | |
Extent of injury of victim officer | 73 | |
Weapon information | 74-77 | |
Activity at time of incident | 78 | |
Disposition of known offenders | 79 | |
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted Fall Release |
Location and time of incidents | 80, 82 |
Population group | 81 | |
Circumstance/assignment | 83-84 | |
Weapon information | 85-88 | |
Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted and Injured Fall release |
Location and time of incidents | 89, 91-97 |
Population group and agency type | 90 | |
Profile of victim officers | 98-105 | |
Victim officer's use of weapon | 106 | |
Offender's use of victim officer's weapon | 107 | |
Circumstance/assignment | 109-115 | |
Weapon information | 108, 116-121, 124, 126 | |
Victim officer's use of uniform, body armor, or holster | 122-123 | |
Officer's wounds and use of body armor | 125 | |
Profile of known offenders | 127-133 |