Preparing the Way to the NIBRS-only Data Collection
By now, most data users are aware the FBI—at the recommendation of the Criminal Justice Information Services Advisory Policy Board and with the support of major law enforcement organizations—will transition to collecting Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) data only through the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) by January 1, 2021. See what steps the FBI is taking to help agencies nationwide make the move to NIBRS.
A View Through NIBRS: Drug Data in 2017
A brief look at drug/narcotic offenses illustrates the expansive data NIBRS provides, such as offender data, the various types of drugs seized in reported incidents, and offenders’ suspected use of drugs/narcotics or alcohol in the commission of crime. In 2017, nearly 5.4 million criminal incidents were reported via NIBRS, and 16.3 percent (874,003) of those incidents involved at least one drug/narcotic offense, totaling 13.9 percent of all NIBRS offenses.