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A Word About NIBRS
Created to improve the quantity and quality of crime data collected by law enforcement, the FBI UCR Program’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) captures more detailed information for each single crime occurrence than the traditional Summary Reporting System (SRS). When used to its full potential at the agency level, the NIBRS identifies with precision when and where crime takes place, what form it takes, and the characteristics of its victims and perpetrators. As more law enforcement agencies (LEAs) submit their crime data via the NIBRS, they—along with legislators, municipal planners and administrators, academicians, researchers, and the general public—will be better able to assess the scope of the nation’s crime problem.
NIBRS 2012 shows the rich details captured through incident-based reporting. This second compilation of annual NIBRS data represents crime reported for calendar year 2012 by 6,115 LEAs around the nation, approximately 33 percent of all agencies that submit data to the FBI UCR Program. The data include information on incidents, offenses, victims, and known offenders for 46 specific crimes in 22 major offense categories. The report details the age, sex, and race of victims, offenders, and arrestees; crime locations and times of day; and the type of weapons and force involved. Comprised of 97 tables, NIBRS 2012 features 32 offense tables about crimes against persons, crimes against property, and crimes against society; 24 tables on sex offenses; 36 tables that list offenses by state by individual law enforcement agency; and 5 tables focusing on the demographics of the arrestees connected to NIBRS incidents.
Incidents, Offenses, Victims, and Known Offenders by Offense Category, 2012 |
Offense Category | Incidents1 | Offenses |
Victims2 |
Known Offenders 3, 4 |
TOTAL | 5,001,060 | 5,734,653 | 6,050,049 | 4,556,183 | ||||
Crimes Against Persons Assault Offenses Homicide Offenses Kidnapping/Abduction Sex Offenses, Forcible Sex Offenses, Nonforcible |
1,154,006 1,062,540 3,598 13,870 67,861 6,137 |
1,327,863 1,228,498 3,943 15,797 73,132 6,493 |
1,327,863 1,228,498 3,943 15,797 73,132 6,493 |
1,297,153 1,199,433 4,465 16,328 70,441 6,486 |
Crimes Against Property Arson Bribery Burglary/Breaking & Entering Counterfeiting/Forgery Destruction/Damage/Vandalism Embezzlement Extortion/Blackmail Fraud Offenses Larceny/Theft Offenses Motor Vehicle Theft Robbery Stolen Property Offenses |
3,720,336 15,758 325 560,700 74,667 791,494 17,364 1,180 261,718 1,722,672 167,468 72,024 34,966 |
3,720,336 15,758 325 560,700 74,667 791,494 17,364 1,180 261,718 1,722,672 167,468 72,024 34,966 |
4,035,340 18,223 350 637,650 82,557 852,947 18,009 1,269 288,755 1,825,558 174,049 95,058 40,915 |
2,361,079 10,827 412 316,477 68,197 434,796 18,520 1,180 173,359 1,100,592 85,909 105,005 45,805 |
Crimes Against Society Drug/Narcotic Offenses Gambling Offenses Pornography/Obscene Material Prostitution Offenses Weapon Law Violations |
686,454 599,889 1,034 6,026 9,309 70,196 |
686,454 599,889 1,034 6,026 9,309 70,196 |
686,846 600,196 1,034 6,031 9,309 70,276 |
897,951 790,828 2,320 5,962 12,182 86,659 |
1The actual number of incidents is 5,001,060. However, the column figures will not add to the total because incidents may include more than one offense type, and each appropriate offense type is counted in this table. |
Estimation |
More than 18,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide report data to the FBI UCR Program. Although the program historically uses estimation procedures to account for missing data in presentations such as Crime in the United States, it did not apply any estimation procedures to the NIBRS data in this publication to account for missing data for jurisdictions that do not submit their UCR data via the NIBRS or of non-participating jurisdictions. |
Additional UCR Publications |
► Crime in the United States | |
Offense, arrest, and clearance data as well as law enforcement staffing information. |
Data regarding felonious and accidental in-the-line-of-duty deaths, as well as assaults on officers. |
Data regarding crimes motivated by bias. |
What NIBRS 2012 can tell us
About the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program A history of the UCR Program and an overview of what UCR can provide About the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) A history of the NIBRS and an overview of what NIBRS participation can provide NIBRS 2012 ► NIBRS Participation ► Offenses ► Victims ► Crimes Against Persons, ► Counting Rules & Illustration ► Frequently Asked Questions Additional NIBRS ► A Guide to ► Effects of NIBRS on ► FBI UCR Program Contacts ► Feedback |