- Figure 2
- (Law Enforcement Officers Feloniously Killed, Percent Distribution by Day of Incident, 2001-2010): This figure is a bar chart that provides the percent distribution by the day of week of incidents in which law enforcement officers were feloniously killed from 2001 through 2010. (Based on Table 4.)
- Figure 3
- (Law Enforcement Officers Feloniously Killed, Percent Distribution by Age Group, Race, and Sex, 2001-2010): This figure contains three pie charts that show the percent distribution of the age group, race, and sex of law enforcement officers who were feloniously killed from 2001 through 2010. One pie chart lists the percentages of victim officers by age group, one pie chart has percentages of victim officers by race, and one chart furnishes the percentage of victim officers by sex. (Based on Tables 6 and 11.)
- Figure 5
- (Law Enforcement Officers Feloniously Killed, Percent Distribution by Type of Weapon, 2001-2010): This figure is a pie chart that provides percent distribution by the types of weapons used to feloniously kill law enforcement officers from 2001 through 2010. (Based on Table 27.)
- fig2days10.pdf
- Figure 2
- fig3ageracesex10.pdf
- Figure 3
- fig5weapon10.pdf
- Figure 5