U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
In 2017, 687 officers with the U.S. DHS were assaulted. Of the officers assaulted, 225 sustained injuries, 462 officers were not injured, and no officers were killed. (See Tables 71 and 73.) The following provides information by agency within the DHS:
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection—506 officers were assaulted. Of these officers, 4 were injured with firearms, and 133 were injured with weapons other than firearms. (See Tables 71 and 72.)
- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement—159 officers were assaulted. Of these officers, 76 were injured, all with weapons other than firearms. (See Tables 71 and 72.)
- U.S. Secret Service—22 officers were assaulted. Of these officers, 12 were injured with weapons other than firearms. (See Tables 71 and 72.)
Type of activity (See Table 78.)
At the time they were assaulted, DHS officers were performing the following activities:
- 454 officers were assigned to patrol or guard duty.
- 105 officers were maintaining custody of prisoners.
- 70 officers were making arrests or serving summonses.
- 22 officers were conducting investigations or searches.
- 18 officers were assigned to protection duty.
- 10 officers were assigned to office duty.
- 2 officers were on court duty.
- 6 officers were assigned to other duties.
Weapons (See Table 75.)
The number of officers assaulted when grouped by weapons used is:
- 403 officers were assaulted with personal weapons, such as hands, fists, or feet.
- 61 officers were assaulted with firearms.
- 36 officers were assaulted with vehicles.
- 16 officers were assaulted with blunt instruments.
- 7 officers were assaulted with knives or other cutting instruments.
- 164 officers were assaulted with other types of weapons.
Dispositional information (See Tables 71 and 79.)
Law enforcement authorities identified 95 suspects in the assaults on DHS officers. Dispositional information was reported for 19 of the known offenders. At the time of this report:
- 7 suspects’ prosecutions were declined.
- 6 suspects were awaiting trial.
- 4 suspects were found not guilty, or the charges were dismissed.
- 2 suspects were found guilty.