The data in Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted pertain to felonious deaths, accidental deaths, and assaults of duly sworn city, university and college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement officers who, at the time of the incident, met all of the following criteria:
- Wore/carried a badge (ordinarily);
- Carried a firearm (ordinarily);
- Were duly sworn and had full arrest powers;
- Were a member of a public governmental law enforcement agency and were paid from government funds set aside specifically for payment to sworn law enforcement;
- Were acting in an official capacity, whether on or off duty, at the time of the incident; and
- If killed, the death was directly related to the injury(ies) received during the incident.
LEOKA data for 2015
As of January 1, 2015, the following exception to LEOKA Program criteria became effective:
Include individuals serving in the capacity of a law enforcement officer at the request of a law enforcement agency whose officers meet the current collection criteria. The individual must be under the supervision of a certified law enforcement officer from the requesting agency at the time of the incident, but is not required to be in the physical presence of the officer while he/she is working the assigned duty. Examples include, but are not limited to, reserve officers, correctional officers, certain campus officers who would not already meet the current criteria requirements, etc. This exception will allow for the inclusion of those officers who do not meet all of the LEOKA critera, but are acting in the capacity of a law enforcement officer who does.