Latent Prints
Latent Print Unit (LPU)
The Latent Print Unit (LPU) of the FBI Laboratory is composed of the Latent Print Operations Unit (LPOU) and the Latent Print Support Unit (LPSU).
The LPOU conducts timely, high-quality forensic examinations pertaining to friction ridge analysis in support of the FBI’s national security and law enforcement missions.
The LPSU ensures the quality and advancement of the latent print discipline by providing tools, training, and support for investigative, humanitarian, and intelligence programs.
The Team
Physical scientists/forensic examiners, fingerprint specialists, program managers/coordinators, and contract employees
The Work
Latent examiners are primarily responsible for performing examinations on submitted evidence for the presence and/or development of latent prints (fingerprints, palm prints, and foot prints); comparing detected prints with the inked prints of known individuals or individuals established through the use of automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS) technology; generating reports based on the results of completed examinations; and providing expert testimony on reported findings in legal proceedings.
Contact Information
For further information, please contact LPU at
(703) 632-8443, or write to the unit at:
FBI Laboratory
Latent Print Unit
2501 Investigation Parkway
Quantico, VA 22135