Table 6 Data Declaration
Offenses, Victim Type, by Offense Type, 2019
The FBI collects these data through the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program’s Hate Crime Statistics Program.
General comments
- This table presents the number of hate crime offenses distributed by victim type and offense type. Federal hate crime data are also included.
- The Hate Crime Statistics Program collects details about an offender’s bias motivation associated with 13 offense types already being reported to the UCR Program: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, aggravated assault, simple assault, intimidation, human trafficking—commercial sex acts, and human trafficking—involuntary servitude (crimes against persons); and robbery, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and destruction/damage/
vandalism (crimes against property). The law enforcement agencies that participate in the UCR Program via the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) collect data about additional offenses for crimes against persons and crimes against property. These data appear in Hate Crime Statistics in the category of other. Law enforcement agencies that submit their data via NIBRS also collect hate crime data about drug or narcotic offenses, gambling offenses, prostitution offenses, weapon law violations, and animal cruelty offenses, which are published in the category crimes against society. - In the Hate Crime Statistics Program, the victim of a hate crime may be an individual, a business/financial institution, a government entity, a religious organization, or society/public as a whole.
- The victim type society/public is collected only in NIBRS.
The data used in creating this table were from all law enforcement agencies submitting one or more hate crime incidents for at least one month of the calendar year. The published data, therefore, do not necessarily represent reports from each participating agency for all 12 months (or four quarters) of the calendar year.