Participation Table Data Declaration
Number of Participating Agencies and Population Covered, by Population Group, 2016
The FBI collects these data through the Uniform Crime Reporting Program’s Hate Crime Statistics Program.
General comment
This table presents the number of law enforcement agencies participating in the Hate Crime Statistics Program and their jurisdictions’ aggregate population for 2016 distributed by population group.
The data used in creating this table were from all law enforcement agencies that submitted either of the following: 1) at least one Group A Incident Report, a Group B Arrest Report, or a Zero Report for at least 1 month of the calendar year via the National Incident-Based Reporting System; or 2) at least one Hate Crime Incident Report and/or a Zero Report via the Hate Crime Technical Specification or the Microsoft Excel Workbook Tool. The published data, therefore, do not necessarily represent reports from each participating agency for all 12 months (or 4 quarters) of the calendar year.
Population estimation
For the 2016 population estimates used in this table, the FBI computed individual rates of growth from one year to the next for every city/town and county using 2010 decennial population counts and 2011 through 2015 population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. Each agency’s rates of growth were averaged; that average was then applied and added to its 2015 Census population estimate to derive the agency’s 2016 population estimate.