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Table 58


Nonmetropolitan Counties

by Age, 2015

[2,055 agencies; 2015 estimated population 21,312,448]

Offense charged Total all
under 15
under 18
Ages 18
and over
10-12 13-14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 and
TOTAL 676,962 7,156 29,890 647,072 344 1,658 5,154 4,930 7,032 10,772 18,007 20,913 22,433 22,740 23,830 24,741 25,187 114,827 100,301 78,592 59,327 48,135 40,340 25,160 12,438 10,101
Total percent distribution1 100.0 1.1 4.4 95.6 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.6 2.7 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.7 17.0 14.8 11.6 8.8 7.1 6.0 3.7 1.8 1.5
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter 600 2 23 577 0 0 2 3 6 12 21 18 18 20 27 21 20 92 82 74 55 40 33 26 14 16
Rape2 1,556 86 239 1,317 5 19 62 53 45 55 75 73 62 75 46 43 58 175 165 155 133 80 59 57 27 34
Robbery 1,298 9 96 1,202 0 0 9 15 17 55 79 78 73 66 58 77 62 284 147 124 50 47 29 18 8 2
Aggravated assault 17,307 319 907 16,400 10 88 221 158 184 246 347 388 426 499 483 514 584 2,778 2,628 2,037 1,685 1,308 1,201 743 395 384
Burglary 12,624 380 1,386 11,238 19 87 274 278 316 412 567 530 509 529 534 458 531 2,315 1,851 1,296 840 581 378 197 82 40
Larceny-theft 27,418 571 2,149 25,269 19 166 386 357 508 713 983 1,024 897 902 913 949 1,022 4,763 4,177 3,138 2,197 1,711 1,275 699 337 282
Motor vehicle theft 3,817 122 482 3,335 3 15 104 109 116 135 129 140 135 121 128 155 156 677 624 380 262 185 143 62 24 14
Arson 576 61 107 469 5 31 25 19 15 12 19 25 21 17 17 16 9 80 48 52 33 38 45 27 8 14
Violent crime3 20,761 416 1,265 19,496 15 107 294 229 252 368 522 557 579 660 614 655 724 3,329 3,022 2,390 1,923 1,475 1,322 844 444 436
Violent crime percent distribution1 100.0 2.0 6.1 93.9 0.1 0.5 1.4 1.1 1.2 1.8 2.5 2.7 2.8 3.2 3.0 3.2 3.5 16.0 14.6 11.5 9.3 7.1 6.4 4.1 2.1 2.1
Property crime3 44,435 1,134 4,124 40,311 46 299 789 763 955 1,272 1,698 1,719 1,562 1,569 1,592 1,578 1,718 7,835 6,700 4,866 3,332 2,515 1,841 985 451 350
Property crime percent distribution1 100.0 2.6 9.3 90.7 0.1 0.7 1.8 1.7 2.1 2.9 3.8 3.9 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.9 17.6 15.1 11.0 7.5 5.7 4.1 2.2 1.0 0.8
Other assaults 56,132 1,635 4,778 51,354 75 425 1,135 879 1,062 1,202 1,227 1,144 1,366 1,484 1,569 1,826 1,739 8,270 7,852 6,653 5,325 4,509 3,903 2,285 1,119 1,083
Forgery and counterfeiting 2,525 7 39 2,486 2 0 5 2 9 21 36 53 69 61 87 73 102 512 490 333 245 199 116 70 28 12
Fraud 9,632 21 108 9,524 0 2 19 14 20 53 97 166 176 191 192 247 301 1,485 1,826 1,432 1,074 861 640 401 201 234
Embezzlement 531 1 9 522 0 0 1 2 3 3 13 10 13 16 14 10 20 73 89 70 68 49 35 28 9 5
Stolen property; buying, receiving, possessing 4,143 33 267 3,876 0 5 28 50 77 107 151 143 133 152 107 141 146 737 655 511 355 313 189 81 36 26
Vandalism 8,454 560 1,561 6,893 43 146 371 284 364 353 447 322 308 328 298 295 302 1,246 993 708 506 423 331 177 102 107
Weapons; carrying, possessing, etc. 6,912 113 350 6,562 5 34 74 60 67 110 151 171 171 227 266 260 282 1,189 1,032 775 587 421 412 293 156 169
Prostitution and commercialized vice 224 5 18 206 0 3 2 3 5 5 2 7 7 6 4 11 8 35 22 14 21 17 23 14 8 7
Sex offenses (except rape and prostitution) 3,201 211 491 2,710 7 61 143 88 101 91 121 115 113 79 110 84 79 386 349 291 239 194 187 143 91 129
Drug abuse violations 99,677 398 3,690 95,987 8 46 344 428 885 1,979 4,210 4,780 4,828 4,546 4,622 4,578 4,160 18,175 14,328 10,441 7,092 5,427 4,425 2,629 1,132 614
Gambling 158 0 5 153 0 0 0 2 0 3 2 7 0 3 4 5 4 29 15 15 11 15 7 17 11 8
Offenses against the family and children 8,961 59 174 8,787 5 13 41 38 43 34 84 103 123 145 205 210 257 1,542 1,820 1,673 1,076 671 468 240 101 69
Driving under the influence 152,085 18 835 151,250 2 0 16 32 195 590 1,990 2,893 3,685 5,278 5,540 5,961 5,836 25,297 20,653 17,044 14,504 13,122 12,462 8,695 4,665 3,625
Liquor laws 15,600 276 3,343 12,257 5 21 250 458 933 1,676 2,497 2,687 2,386 412 300 231 213 779 559 488 449 409 346 246 146 109
Drunkenness 13,423 13 174 13,249 2 1 10 34 51 76 236 305 305 401 415 411 405 1,901 1,883 1,649 1,421 1,334 1,284 791 312 196
Disorderly conduct 16,278 715 2,090 14,188 40 186 489 394 465 516 438 374 395 505 545 504 487 2,204 2,019 1,574 1,371 1,278 1,150 725 331 288
Vagrancy 331 3 15 316 1 0 2 3 3 6 3 2 10 14 13 9 9 68 60 29 31 17 23 13 7 8
All other offenses (except traffic) 213,089 1,414 6,229 206,860 82 281 1,051 1,088 1,466 2,261 4,078 5,353 6,203 6,660 7,330 7,647 8,391 39,717 35,920 27,624 19,691 14,882 11,170 6,482 3,086 2,626
Suspicion 161 34 76 85 5 6 23 19 14 9 4 2 1 3 3 5 4 18 14 12 6 4 6 1 2 0
Curfew and loitering law violations 249 90 249 - 1 22 67 60 62 37 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 1 Because of rounding, the percentages may not add to 100.0.
  • 2 The rape figures in this table are aggregate totals of the data submitted based on both the legacy and revised Uniform Crime Reporting definitions.
  • 3 Violent crimes are offenses of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Property crimes are offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

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