Tables by Title
Table 1 - “Crime in the United States, by Volume and Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants, 1995–2014”
Table 1A - “Crime in the United States, Percent Change in Volume and Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants for 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years”
Table 2 - “Crime in the United States, by Community Type, 2014”
Table 3 - “Crime in the United States, Offense and Population Percent Distribution by Region, 2014”
Table 4 - “Crime in the United States, by Region, Geographic Division, and State, 2013–2014”
Table 5 - “Crime in the United States, by State, 2014”
Table 6 - “Crime in the United States, by Metropolitan Statistical Area, 2014”
Table 7 - “Offense Analysis, United States, 2010–2014”
Table 8 - “Offenses Known to Law Enforcement, by State by City, 2014”
Table 9 - “Offenses Known to Law Enforcement, by State by University and College, 2014”
Table 10 - “Offenses Known to Law Enforcement, by State by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Counties, 2014”
Table 11 - “Offenses Known to Law Enforcement, by State by State, Tribal, and Other Agencies, 2014”
Table 12 - “Crime Trends, by Population Group, 2013–2014”
Table 13 - “Crime Trends, by Suburban and Nonsuburban Cities by Population Group, 2013–2014”
Table 14 - “Crime Trends, by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Counties by Population Group, 2013–2014”
Table 15 - “Crime Trends, Additional Information About Selected Offenses by Population Group, 2013–2014”
Table 16 - “Rate: Number of Crimes per 100,000 Inhabitants by Population Group, 2014”
Table 17 - “Rate: Number of Crimes per 100,000 Inhabitants by Suburban and Nonsuburban Cities by Population Group, 2014”
Table 18 - “Rate: Number of Crimes per 100,000 Inhabitants by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Counties by Population Group, 2014”
Table 19 - “Rate: Number of Crimes per 100,000 Inhabitants, Additional Information About Selected Offenses by Population Group, 2014”
Table 20 - “Murder, by State, Types of Weapons, 2014”
Table 21 - “Robbery, by State, Types of Weapons, 2014”
Table 22 - “Aggravated Assault, by State, Types of Weapons, 2014”
Table 23 - “Offense Analysis, Number and Percent Change, 2013–2014”
Table 24 - “Property Stolen and Recovered, by Type and Value, 2014”
Table 25 - “Percent of Offenses Cleared by Arrest or Exceptional Means, by Population Group, 2014”
Table 26 - “Percent of Offenses Cleared by Arrest or Exceptional Means, by Region and Geographic Division, 2014”
Table 27 - “Percent of Offenses Cleared by Arrest or Exceptional Means, Additional Information About Selected Offenses by Population Group, 2014”
Table 28 - “Number of Offenses Cleared by Arrest or Exceptional Means, Percent of Clearances Involving Persons Under 18 Years of Age by Population Group, 2014”
Table 29 - “Estimated Number of Arrests, United States, 2014”
Table 30 - “Number and Rate of Arrests by Region, 2014”
Table 31 - “Number and Rate of Arrests by Population Group, 2014”
Table 32 - “Ten-Year Arrest Trends, Totals, 2005–2014”
Table 33 - “Ten-Year Arrest Trends by Sex, 2005–2014”
Table 34 - “Five-Year Arrest Trends, Totals, 2010–2014”
Table 35 - “Five-Year Arrest Trends by Sex, 2010–2014”
Table 36 - “Current Year Over Previous Year Arrest Trends, Totals, 2013–2014”
Table 37 - “Current Year Over Previous Year Arrest Trends by Sex, 2013–2014”
Table 38 - “Arrests, by Age, 2014”
Table 39 - “Arrests, Males, by Age, 2014”
Table 40 - “Arrests, Females, by Age, 2014”
Table 41 - “Arrests, Persons Under 15, 18, 21, and 25 Years of Age, 2014”
Table 42 - “Arrests, by Sex, 2014”
Table 43 - “Arrests, by Race, 2014”
Table 44 - “Arrest Trends, Cities, 2013–2014”
Table 45 - “Arrest Trends, Cities, by Sex, 2013–2014”
Table 46 - “Arrests, Cities, by Age, 2014”
Table 47 - “Arrests, Cities, Persons Under 15, 18, 21, and 25 Years of Age, 2014”
Table 48 - “Arrests, Cities, by Sex, 2014”
Table 49 - “Arrests, Cities, by Race, 2014”
Table 50 - “Arrest Trends, Metropolitan Counties, 2013–2014”
Table 51 - “Arrest Trends, Metropolitan Counties, by Sex, 2013–2014”
Table 52 - “Arrests, Metropolitan Counties, by Age, 2014”
Table 53 - “Arrests, Metropolitan Counties, Persons Under 15, 18, 21, and 25 Years of Age, 2014”
Table 54 - “Arrests, Metropolitan Counties, by Sex, 2014”
Table 55 - “Arrests, Metropolitan Counties, by Race, 2014”
Table 56 - “Arrest Trends, Nonmetropolitan Counties, 2013–2014”
Table 57 - “Arrest Trends, Nonmetropolitan Counties, by Sex, 2013–2014”
Table 58 - “Arrests, Nonmetropolitan Counties, by Age, 2014”
Table 59 - “Arrests, Nonmetropolitan Counties, Persons Under 15, 18, 21, and 25 Years of Age, 2014”
Table 60 - “Arrests, Nonmetropolitan Counties, by Sex, 2014”
Table 61 - “Arrests, Nonmetropolitan Counties, by Race, 2014”
Table 62 - “Arrest Trends, Suburban Areas, 2013–2014”
Table 63 - “Arrest Trends, Suburban Areas, by Sex, 2013–2014”
Table 64 - “Arrests, Suburban Areas, by Age, 2014”
Table 65 - “Arrests, Suburban Areas, Persons Under 15, 18, 21, and 25 Years of Age, 2014”
Table 66 - “Arrests, Suburban Areas, by Sex, 2014”
Table 67 - “Arrests, Suburban Areas, by Race, 2014”
Table 68 - “Police Disposition, Juvenile Offenders Taken into Custody, 2014”
Table 69 - “Arrests, by State, 2014”
Table 70 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, by Region and Geographic Division by Population Group, Number and Rate per 1,000 Inhabitants, 2014”
Table 71 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Officers, by Region and Geographic Division by Population Group, Number and Rate per 1,000 Inhabitants, 2014”
Table 72 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, Range in Rate per 1,000 Inhabitants by Population Group, 2014”
Table 73 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Officers, Range in Rate per 1,000 Inhabitants by Population Group, 2014”
Table 74 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, by Population Group, Percent Male and Female, 2014”
Table 75 - “Full-time Civilian Law Enforcement Employees, by Population Group, Percent of Total, 2014”
Table 76 - “Full-time State Law Enforcement Employees, by State, 2014”
Table 77 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, by State, 2014”
Table 78 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, by State by City, 2014”
Table 79 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, by State by University and College, 2014”
Table 80 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, by State by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Counties, 2014”
Table 81 - “Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, by State by State, Tribal, and Other Agencies, 2014”