Cities and counties grouped by size (population group)
Offense data by cities and counties grouped by size
Table 12–Crime Trends, by Population Group, 2012–2013
Table 13–Crime Trends, by Suburban and Nonsuburban Cities by Population Group, 2012–2013
Table 14–Crime Trends, by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Counties by Population Group, 2012–2013
Table 15–Crime Trends, Additional Information About Selected Offenses by Population Group, 2012–2013
Table 16–Rate: Number of Crimes per 100,000 Inhabitants by Population Group, 2013
Table 17–Rate: Number of Crimes per 100,000 Inhabitants by Suburban and Nonsuburban Cities by Population Group, 2013
Table 18–Rate: Number of Crimes per 100,000 Inhabitants by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Counties by Population Group, 2013
Table 19–Rate: Number of Crimes per 100,000 Inhabitants, Additional Information About Selected Offenses by Population Group, 2013
Other data by cities and counties grouped by size (population group):
Clearance data by cities and counties grouped by size
Arrest data by cities and counties grouped by size
Police employee data by cities and counties grouped by size